VW Breakout
Santa Pod Raceway, 4th-6th September 2020


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Final results

VW Pro: Carl Goldsmith (9.90) 10.7898/139.88 def. Graeme Freeman (12.70) 12.637/105.75 breakout
VW Sportsman: Morgan Wilson (17.65) 17.7376/73.12 def. Rob Creswell (13.80) 13.9378/103.36
Outlaw Flat Four: Stuart Hodgson 10.213/134.82 def. Simon Knief, no-show
Supercharged Outlaws: Gary Parkes 8.2421/165.45 def. Andy Hadfield 12.2252/57.53
Burnout to the eighth for Fadster 0.1914 to 0.2276 RTs to Gary and then Fadster faded by the eighth. Great consistency throughout the event by Gary whose six passes were all 159mph or faster with ETs in the eights on all runs, great effort by Gary and the team.

The final pair of Supercharged Outlaws were Keith Freeman and David McCallan, 9.9047/133.24 to 9.4900/142.11.

That's the end of our coverage of VW Breakout, we will post the photo gallery when we are back at base. Join us for live coverage at the Not The Euro Finals test day on Thursday.


RWYB session 9

Once again Lara Bartlett and Jaqueline Bartlett again made side-by-side test passes swapping lanes this time. Lara ran a -0.1003 RT and 7.9168/80.65 and Jaqueline a great +0.0012 RT and 8.2112/77.87. Great job by Lara, Jaqueline and team!

Another new PB for Jose Leite in his turbo diesel Polo, 11.2765/120.16, well done again Jose! The car is hot-lapping with the aid of a team member spraying nitrous oxide on the intercooler in order to keep the temperatures down.


Nostalgia Funny Car licensing run

We think Andy Raw's last run of the weekend. Great run, well controlled after drifting to the right, 6.5922/198.91 and 1.076 to 60ft and 4.249/172.24 to the eighth. Fantastic achievement by the crew to come back from a long break and run a representative pass, well done Andy, Karl and team! It looks like game on for Nitro Bug v Gladiator!


VW Sportsman eliminations semi-finals

For Rob Creswell a 0.11 package but Morgan has done well in her performances so far, final should be an interesting race.

              VW Breakout                                              
                                   TSI SYSTEM
                                ELIMINATION ROUND 4

06/09/2020 15:09:31                              6  VW SPORTSMAN      
Results CarNum  Driver                R.T.     E.T.    O/U    INDEX  MPH

Win   14      ROB CRESWELL        + 0.0306 13.8826  0.0826  13.80  95.26
      1       JON CRAWFORD        + 0.2005 15.9093 -0.0407  15.95  86.00
Win   326     MORGAN WILSON       + 0.1711 18.2716  0.5816  17.69  73.75
        Bye   MORGAN WILSON                  .      0.0000  00.00   0.00

* = Disqualified 

VW Sportsman eliminations semi-finals

              VW Breakout                                              
                                   TSI SYSTEM
                                ELIMINATION ROUND 3

06/09/2020 15:05:32                              5  VW PRO            
Results CarNum  Driver                R.T.     E.T.    O/U    INDEX  MPH

Win   204     GRAEME FREEMAN      + 0.8728 19.0533  6.3533  12.70  66.41
        Bye   GRAEME FREEMAN                 .      0.0000  00.00   0.00
      72      ROBERT CARTER       + 0.2606 10.0312 -0.1388  10.17 138.57
Win   54      CARL GOLDSMITH      + 0.0502 10.1463  0.2463  09.90 142.96

* = Disqualified 


Supercharged Outlaws qualifying session 9

First were Keith Freeman and David McCallan, David getting a great 0.0077 light and running a 9.4128/142.61 to Keith's 10.0686/132.45.

Andy 'Fadster' Hadfield then lined up for a bye. The car drifted left, he corrected it and up came 7.9218/171.73 (1.1826 60ft) for his best of the weekend, well done Fadster and team!

              VW Breakout                                              
                               TSI RACENET SYSTEM
06/09/2020 15:04:01                              10  S/CHARGED OUTLAWS 
Place CarNum  Driver                R.T.     E.T.    O/U    INDEX  MPH

  1   666     JOEL KERR           + 0.3212  7.0082  7.0082  00.00 197.99
  2   22      ANDY HADFIELD       + 0.3007  7.9218  7.9218  00.00 171.73
  3   53      GARY PARKES         + 0.2092  8.1378  8.1378  00.00 166.69
  4   105     PAUL DALE           + 1.0551  8.8281  8.8281  00.00 154.68
  5   68      DAVID MCCALLAN      + 0.1747  9.2474  9.2474  00.00 144.35
  6   222     KEITH FREEMAN       + 0.2117  9.5631  9.5631  00.00 139.87

* = Disqualified 


Jet Funny Car test run

Roger Goring in Firestorm again lit up the startline area and then was the pass he was planning for, 1.0949 to 60ft, 4.1019/197.85 at the eighth - and 5.9919/263.69 at the stripe. Fantastic run, well done on the five Roger, Helen and crew!


VW Sportsman eliminations round 3

Morgan Wilson into the semi final where she has a bye, and if she wins the event she is up for a possible �500 VWDRC cash prize to add to her �250 from yesterday. Semi-finals are scheduled for 15:00 with finals at 16:30.

              VW Breakout                                              
                                   TSI SYSTEM
                                ELIMINATION ROUND 3

06/09/2020 14:16:43                              6  VW SPORTSMAN      
Results CarNum  Driver                R.T.     E.T.    O/U    INDEX  MPH

Foul Win  14      ROB CRESWELL        - 0.0186 13.7302 -0.0698  13.80 103.38
        Bye   ROB CRESWELL                   .      0.0000  00.00   0.00
      131     BRUCE HARVEY        + 0.1294 14.5139  0.3139  14.20  98.18
Win   1       JON CRAWFORD        + 0.2771 15.9745  0.0245  15.95  81.81
Win   326     MORGAN WILSON       + 0.2806 17.9194  0.2694  17.65  73.79
      333     POLLY JUDGE         + 0.5524 17.6028 -0.0472  17.65  71.14

* = Disqualified 

RWYB session 8

Jaqueline Bartlett and Lara Bartlett made side-by-side test passes. Jaqueline 0.0567 RT and 8.2247/78.27 to Lara's 0.0100 RT and 7.7418/82.86. Great reactions for both, but Lara's car will need to be slowed a little!


Outlaw Flat Four eliminations round 1

James Wotton a no-show against Stuart Hodgson. Danny Pike a no-show against Simon Knief who missed gears going down the track. Richie Webb a no-show for his bye-run as #1 qualifier.

              VW Breakout                                              
                                   TSI SYSTEM
                                ELIMINATION ROUND 1

06/09/2020 13:56:23                              7  OUTLAW FLAT FOUR  
Results CarNum  Driver                R.T.     E.T.    O/U    INDEX  MPH

      100     JAMES WOTTON                   .      0.0000  00.00   0.00
Win   79      STUART HODGSON      + 0.8503 10.2445 10.2445  00.00 133.36
Win   35      SIMON KNIEF         + 1.6291 18.8354 18.8354  00.00  45.86
      60      DANNY PIKE                     .      0.0000  00.00   0.00

* = Disqualified 


Supercharged Outlaws qualifying session 8

First up Gary Parkes v Andy Hadfield, 8.193/165.46 for Gary and a long-way-round 8.0066/173.73 for Fadster, so close to a seven!

Then Keith Freeman v David McCallan, 9.921/136.86 to 9.2474/144.35 for David.

              VW Breakout                                              
                               TSI RACENET SYSTEM
06/09/2020 13:52:22                              10  S/CHARGED OUTLAWS 
Place CarNum  Driver                R.T.     E.T.    O/U    INDEX  MPH

  1   666     JOEL KERR           + 0.3212  7.0082  7.0082  00.00 197.99
  2   22      ANDY HADFIELD       + 0.3081  8.0066  8.0066  00.00 173.73
  3   53      GARY PARKES         + 0.2092  8.1378  8.1378  00.00 166.69
  4   105     PAUL DALE           + 1.0551  8.8281  8.8281  00.00 154.68
  5   68      DAVID MCCALLAN      + 0.1747  9.2474  9.2474  00.00 144.35
  6   222     KEITH FREEMAN       + 0.2117  9.5631  9.5631  00.00 139.87

* = Disqualified 


VW Sportsman eliminations round 2

              VW Breakout                                              
                                   TSI SYSTEM
                                ELIMINATION ROUND 2

06/09/2020 13:47:11                              6  VW SPORTSMAN      
Results CarNum  Driver                R.T.     E.T.    O/U    INDEX  MPH

Foul  33      THOMAS HERBERT      - 0.0881 25.4952 11.4952  14.00  38.01
Win   333     POLLY JUDGE         + 0.2773 16.7507 -0.0493  16.80  83.15
      269     REBECCA GOSLING     + 0.5488 13.6612  0.4712  13.19 100.79
Win   14      ROB CRESWELL        + 0.1005 14.2478  0.4478  13.80  79.10
      133     JOHN MCGEE          + 0.2685 20.2177  0.3977  19.82  67.60
Win   131     BRUCE HARVEY        + 0.1327 14.4010  0.2010  14.20  89.76
Win   1       JON CRAWFORD        + 0.1218 16.0853  0.1853  15.90  87.12
        Bye   JON CRAWFORD                   .      0.0000  00.00   0.00
Win   326     MORGAN WILSON       + 0.1933 17.7273  0.0773  17.65  73.67
      117     PAUL DAY            + 0.2232 12.8811 -0.1189  13.00  91.18

* = Disqualified 


VW Pro eliminations round 2

Graeme Freeman against Ian Huggan, Ian throws it away by leaving before the tree was activated. Carl Goldsmith v James Hodson, Carl winning as James broke out. Then Adrian Solly v Robert Carter, the Passat going the long way round and winning in a double breakout.

              VW Breakout                                              
                                   TSI SYSTEM
                                ELIMINATION ROUND 2

06/09/2020 13:42:08                              5  VW PRO            
Results CarNum  Driver                R.T.     E.T.    O/U    INDEX  MPH

Win   204     GRAEME FREEMAN      + 0.3886 12.8394  0.2394  12.60 105.75
Foul  98      IAN HUGGAN                   14.3258  2.8258  11.50 109.21
Win   54      CARL GOLDSMITH      + 0.1616 10.0076  0.1076  09.90 148.07
      108     JAMES HODSON        + 0.1732 10.3250 -0.0250  10.35 136.10
      383     ADRIAN SOLLY        + 0.2171 10.7422 -0.0578  10.80 138.10
Win   72      ROBERT CARTER       + 0.0798 10.2434 -0.0566  10.30 136.08

* = Disqualified 


Jet Dragster test run

Martin Hill brought out FireForce 5 for its first blast of 2020. Quickest time of the event! 0.9479 to 60ft, 3.6037/224.33 to the eighth and 5.3333/258.97 at the stripe. Great performance, well done Martin and crew!


RWYB session 7 (ctd)

A 12.745/106.79 for Charlie Roberts in the 5-Up! with nitrous switched on for the first time this weekend. Matt Attwood had a run in The Loaner and went 11.3329/131.30. Rob Carter ran a 10.743/123.39 in his Cosworth YB powered Passat Mk1.

New PB for Marc Taylor in the Seat Leon, 10.5328/139.11, well done Marc! Also new PB for Helder Pereira in a Seat Ibiza, 10.8276/128.70, crew and friends including Luis Skilla and Luis Silva celebrating noisily, well done Helder!


Jet Funny Car test run

Yesterday Roger ran a 6.0918/246.36. Can he make it into the fives today? Well, close. On his second run of 2020 he ran 6.0287/268.24 with half track numbers of 4.1392/198.68. Nevertheless a great run!


Nostalgia Funny Car licensing run

Andy Raw came to the line, engine sounding as strong as ever. On the 1.0539 launch the car made a move to the right, Andy corrected but decided to get off the throttle as the half track came up at 4.7461/113.06, and coasted to 9.4116/81.55.


RWYB session 7

Jose Leite started the session with a new PB of 11.3643/119.83, well done Jose!

Drama after a few minutes when Sam Edward Swain lost control of his unbodied car, regaining it after crossing the centre line at a near 90 degree angle and the rear wheel impacted the left barrier, the car returning over the centre line once again and coming to a halt. Emergency services were called and Sam walked away unhurt.

Lara Bartlett came out in her Junior Dragster and ran a time trial with a RT of 0.0238 and times to the eighth of 8.1968/79.66.

The second round of eliminations will be at 13:30 with VW Sportsman then running their third round at 14:15.


Supercharged Outlaws qualifying session 7

Fadster left before the lights ran but appeared to run quickly and outpaced David MacCallan's 9.3746/142.03

Next was Paul Dale v Keith Freeman. Paul edged away to 9.2148/152.09 to Keith's 10.2873/110.04.

              VW Breakout                                              
                               TSI RACENET SYSTEM
06/09/2020 11:23:49                              10  S/CHARGED OUTLAWS 
Place CarNum  Driver                R.T.     E.T.    O/U    INDEX  MPH

  1   666     JOEL KERR           + 0.3212  7.0082  7.0082  00.00 197.99
  2   53      GARY PARKES         + 0.2092  8.1378  8.1378  00.00 166.69
  3   22      ANDY HADFIELD       + 0.2511  8.6094  8.6094  00.00 152.11
  4   105     PAUL DALE           + 1.0551  8.8281  8.8281  00.00 154.68
  5   68      DAVID MCCALLAN      + 0.1014  9.3360  9.3360  00.00 144.39
  6   222     KEITH FREEMAN       + 0.2117  9.5631  9.5631  00.00 139.87

* = Disqualified 


VW Sportsman eliminations round 1

Repeat of the STP Greenlight Nationals final between Morgan Wilson and James Cordery, same winner with Morgan's Junior Dragster experience paying off. Lowri Anslow a no-show against John/Simon McGee in the van. A pair of spare cars in the final pair with Polly Judge defeating Matt Attwood.

              VW Breakout                                              
                                   TSI SYSTEM
                                ELIMINATION ROUND 1

06/09/2020 11:18:12                              6  VW SPORTSMAN      
Results CarNum  Driver                R.T.     E.T.    O/U    INDEX  MPH

Win   326     MORGAN WILSON       + 0.1022 17.6976  0.0776  17.62  73.44
      45      LEE CORDERY         + 0.3025 14.0887  0.0887  14.00 100.05
Win   33      THOMAS HERBERT      + 0.1128 13.9218 -0.0782  14.00  95.64
       Bye                                   .      0.0000  00.00   0.00
Win   269     REBECCA GOSLING     + 0.3953 15.0798  1.8898  13.19  70.12
      137     GARETH BATES        + 0.2278 13.5170 -0.0830  13.60 103.02
Win   131     BRUCE HARVEY        + 0.1472 14.5644  0.3644  14.20  97.34
      454     LAURENCE CLARK      + 0.6395 15.1806  1.2806  13.90  87.83
Win   133     JOHN MCGEE          + 0.4246 19.8940  0.0740  19.82  67.06
      575     LOWRI ANSLOW                   .      0.0000  00.00   0.00
Foul  402     CHARLIE ROBERTS     - 0.1886 13.8121  0.0621  13.75  96.92
Win   1       JON CRAWFORD        + 0.0673 15.9649  0.1649  15.80  86.66
      119     KAYLEE JACKSON      + 0.7144 22.8408  3.1408  19.70  49.35
Win   117     PAUL DAY            + 0.4047 13.6088  0.6088  13.00  76.17
Win   14      ROB CRESWELL        + 0.0685 14.4963  0.6963  13.80  84.73
      105     JUSTIN FOLLEY       + 0.6104 14.9538  0.5538  14.40  90.46
Win   333     POLLY JUDGE         + 0.3291 17.4171  0.9171  16.50  82.26
Foul  86      MATTHEW ATTWOOD     - 0.0670 14.6536  0.4736  14.18  91.75

* = Disqualified 


VW Pro eliminations round 1

John Mills a no-show against James Hodson. Carl Goldsmith followed with an easy pass on his #1 qualifier bye. Ben Mace a no-show against Adrian Solly. Red light for Jacob Bailey but ran a PB of 10.8375/129.50 in his defeat by Ian Huggan. Oly Whitehouse a no-show against Graeme Freeman.

              VW Breakout                                              
                                   TSI SYSTEM
                                ELIMINATION ROUND 1

06/09/2020 11:10:18                              5  VW PRO            
Results CarNum  Driver                R.T.     E.T.    O/U    INDEX  MPH

Win   108     JAMES HODSON        + 0.2556 12.6014  2.2514  10.35 100.74
      295     JOHN MILLS                     .      0.0000  00.00   0.00
         Bye                                 .      0.0000  00.00   0.00
Win   54      CARL GOLDSMITH      + 0.6061 17.8992  7.9992  09.90  78.82
Win   383     ADRIAN SOLLY        + 0.1834 11.2803  0.6803  10.60 138.04
      468     BENJAMIN MACE                  .      0.0000  00.00   0.00
      16      GRAHAM FAIRHEAD     + 0.1976 13.2862  0.7862  12.50 118.86
Win   72      ROBERT CARTER       + 0.1016 11.1407  0.8407  10.30 106.65
Win   98      IAN HUGGAN          + 0.6394 13.1018  1.6018  11.50 112.89
Foul  112     JACOB JACOB BAILEY  - 0.0027 10.8375 -0.3125  11.15 129.50
Win   204     GRAEME FREEMAN      + 0.1563 12.7962  0.1962  12.60 103.51
      38      OLY WHITEHOUSE                 .      0.0000  00.00   0.00

* = Disqualified 


RWYB session 6

Jose Leite ran 11.5048/119.49 in his first pass of the day in his rapid Polo.

Marc Taylor followed with 11.7142/132.07 in his Seat Leon, Marc having hit the 10s at the VW Drag Day in August - and improved later to 10.5754, well done Marc!

Graham Rawlings ran a new of PB 9.8849/130.30 in his VW powered slingshot, well done Graham and team! He later backed it up with a 9.9431/131.80 for his PB speed too!

Sam Edward Swain on his soon-to-be Polo bodied tube chassis has a pair of slicks on today but the steering broke after a wheelie on the launch and the car took a wander all over his lane.


Supercharged Outlaws Qualifying session 6

Perfect ET award sponsor Andy Fadster managed to effect repairs overnight and ran a 8.785/135.34 (1.25 60ft). He said It was a huge effort by the team but we are ready for eliminations, I can�t thank my team enough. Keith Freeman alongside ran 11.114/84.74.

Paul Dale v Gary Parkes was next. Paul away first 9.0135/156.29 but Gary caught him with 8.2568/165.48.

David McCallan ran a bye to 9.371/142.94, his truck running the straightest of all.

              VW Breakout                                              
                               TSI RACENET SYSTEM
06/09/2020 10:04:12                              10  S/CHARGED OUTLAWS 
Place CarNum  Driver                R.T.     E.T.    O/U    INDEX  MPH

  1   666     JOEL KERR           + 0.3212  7.0082  7.0082  00.00 197.99
  2   53      GARY PARKES         + 0.2092  8.1378  8.1378  00.00 166.69
  3   22      ANDY HADFIELD       + 0.2511  8.6094  8.6094  00.00 152.11
  4   105     PAUL DALE           + 1.0551  8.8281  8.8281  00.00 154.68
  5   68      DAVID MCCALLAN      + 0.1014  9.3360  9.3360  00.00 144.39
  6   222     KEITH FREEMAN       + 0.2117  9.5631  9.5631  00.00 139.87

* = Disqualified 


VW Sportsman qualifying session 6

Paul Day up from 16th to 7th. Jon Crawford improved but stayed in place. Kaylee Jackson pushed back for a problem as Gareth Bates moved up from 14th to 3rd.

              VW Breakout                                              
                               TSI RACENET SYSTEM
06/09/2020 09:51:46                              6  VW SPORTSMAN      
Place CarNum  Driver                R.T.     E.T.    O/U    INDEX  MPH

  1   33      THOMAS HERBERT      - 0.0215 14.0172  0.0172  14.00  96.09
  2   402     CHARLIE ROBERTS     - 0.2330 13.8217  0.0217  13.80  97.27
  3   137     GARETH BATES        + 0.4792 13.6071  0.0271  13.58 103.24
  4   326     MORGAN WILSON       + 0.1550 17.6334  0.0334  17.60  73.69
  5   131     BRUCE HARVEY        + 0.2718 14.2354  0.0354  14.20  99.03
  6   86      MATTHEW ATTWOOD     + 0.1167 14.5176  0.0376  14.48  93.70
  7   14      ROB CRESWELL        + 0.1402 13.7284  0.0784  13.65 103.59
  8   117     PAUL DAY            - 0.0202 13.0806  0.0806  13.00  92.69
  9   133     JOHN MCGEE          + 0.3135 19.9036  0.0836  19.82  67.60
 10   1       JON CRAWFORD        + 0.2596 15.8394  0.0894  15.75  87.85
 11   269     REBECCA GOSLING     + 0.4340 13.7997  0.0997  13.70 101.26
 12   45      LEE CORDERY         + 0.3630 14.1305  0.1305  14.00 100.05
 13   454     LAURENCE CLARK      + 0.4686 14.0419  0.1419  13.90  95.84
 14   333     POLLY JUDGE         + 0.3556 16.5800  0.1700  16.41  83.63
 15   105     JUSTIN FOLLEY       + 0.6626 14.9188  0.3188  14.60  88.91
 16   119     KAYLEE JACKSON      + 0.7427 20.4227  0.5227  19.90  64.93
 17   575     LOWRI ANSLOW        + 0.3633 21.1961  5.9961  15.20  34.46

* = Disqualified 


VW Pro qualifying session 6

Carl Goldsmith backed up his first nine second pass with a 9.9597/146.23.

              VW Breakout                                              
                               TSI RACENET SYSTEM
06/09/2020 09:44:24                              5  VW PRO            
Place CarNum  Driver                R.T.     E.T.    O/U    INDEX  MPH

  1   54      CARL GOLDSMITH      + 0.0103  9.9987  0.0087  09.99 145.72
  2   38      OLY WHITEHOUSE      + 0.5908 11.8113  0.0113  11.80 116.68
  3   72      ROBERT CARTER       + 0.4411 10.4395  0.0395  10.40 126.18
  4   108     JAMES HODSON        + 0.6317 10.3734  0.0734  10.30 138.17
  5   112     JACOB JACOB BAILEY  + 0.2104 10.9973  0.1473  10.85 126.61
  6   383     ADRIAN SOLLY        + 0.1480 10.8242  0.2242  10.60 136.43
  7   204     GRAEME FREEMAN      + 0.0232 12.7669  0.3269  12.44 102.62
  8   16      GRAHAM FAIRHEAD     + 0.2848 12.0153  0.5153  11.50 121.07
  9   295     JOHN MILLS          + 0.3895 13.5150  1.0150  12.50 103.01
 10   98      IAN HUGGAN          LB3A     13.0130  1.5130  11.50 116.82
 11   468     BENJAMIN MACE       + 0.6556 14.9120  3.1120  11.80 107.39

* = Disqualified 


VW Pro STP Greenlight Nationals final

Jacob Bailey raced the second car of Carl Goldsmith, called 'The Loaner', to a best of 10.97 yesterday but suffered a gear shift mechanism issue. Getting this put right so Luke can race at this event meant getting the engine and gearbox out and making repairs. Luke was ready to face James Hodson as the first race of the day.

James Hodson (10.35) 10.526/124 def. Luke Stevenson (10.95) 11.1828/111.82


Good morning and welcome to the final day of VW Breakout. The skies are clear and the temperature is eleven degrees celsius rising to nineteen. You will see from yesterday's report that five rounds of qualifying were completed in the invited classes and qualifying will continue into the sixth round at 09:30 this morning. Round one of eliminations is due to commence at 11:00 and RWYB will be taking place between these sessions. As yesterday, we'll bring all the results from qualifying and eliminations and highlights of RWYB.

You'll see our gallery from yesterday with 125 photos taken by Julian and Kieran to whom many thanks. Diana will return at Not The Euro Finals for pit pics.

Among the good news from yesterday we had a winner from the STP Greenlight Nationals in the held-over VW Sportsman final. Congratulations to Morgan Wilson who won over a red-lighting Lee Cordery. In other good news we had unscheduled runs from the two jet Funny Cars of Martin Hill and Roger Goring, their first time on track this year. They both ran great times. Also Andy Raw ran a convincing half pass in the Nitro Bug Nostalgia FC as he aims to complete licencing ahead of a planned match race against Jason Phelps in Mark and Jackie Hawkins' Gladiator next weekend.

Commiserations to Joel Kerr who lost an engine at 1000ft on what was a great run to that point and then the car skidded on its oil and impacted the left barrier, and then brushed the right wall with the chutes out. Joel was perfectly ok after the incident. Although the front quarter is badly damaged we hope the car will be repaired in due course. Also on the casualty list was Perfect ET sponsor Andy 'Fadster' Hadfield who had a fire after the magneto rotated altering the timing, this lifting the blower and causing internal engined damage. Fadster has only a limited time to fix the damage before the Hot Rod Drags.

A big Hello to Eurodragsterholics who are tuned into the coverage. Our regular greetings to Kathy Hileman in the US, Ivar Kolberg in Norway and Kai Plathan with Otto in Finland. Hi also to retired Eurodragster.com editor Tog who is tuned in and to Diana and Kirstie, hope you are all having a great day.

We'll be back as soon as eliminations are under way shortly after 09:30.

Reports and pictures ©Eurodragster.com