FIA / FIM European Finals
Santa Pod Raceway, 8th-11th September 2016


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Simon has posted a second batch of pit notes.


It is still raining at the end of the track and the shutdown area is very wet so we have been called for the day. It's going to be one hell of a day tomorrow!

Stay tuned as Simon is out getting more pit notes.


Simon has posted a small gallery from today's autograph session.


Good morning and welcome from Santa Pod to our coverage of the FIA / FIM European Finals brought to you in association with John Woolfe Racing.

The webcasts today and tomorrow are courtesy of the excellent Trakbak Racing / Track Group Europe Web TV at Now that we are done webcasting until UK National Finals weekend many thanks to those who have been in touch with appreciative comments on our own Webster Race Engineering / Nimbus Motorsport webcasts over the last week, and a big Thank You to Julian of Nitro FM without whose help we may well not have been broadcasting, or not for very long in one go. Any queries to us about any aspect of the Web TV will go straight into Deleted Items, in the same way as I would not expect Santa Pod Raceway to answer queries about our webcasts.

At present not a very good day weather-wise, rain came in overnight and right now it is still coming down. There are of course people out there who seem to want this kind of thing to happen so I hope that they at least are happy. The radar shows the rain clearing later on and as you know we have one of the best track cews on the planet here.

The reporting plan when we get going today is the full service of live report, pit notes and end-day gallery.

Stay tuned and we'll be back with updates when there is something to report.

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